Category Archives: Ideas

The Growing Need for Learning to Lead

Below is a super informative info graphic on the growing popularity of learning to lead via entrepreneurship. Please take a look at it, and consider the benefits that entrepreneurship has to offer.

 Find more education infographics on e-Learning Infographics

Also  if you want to learn more about entrepreneurship education, there is a really terrific article posted on  Be sure to check it out!

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Are You An Entrepreneur?

Great Infographic to help you determine whether or not you are an entrepreneur.

Are You An Entrepreneur?
Image compliments of Masters in Business Degrees

To Plan for Challenges is To Plan for Success

Deciding to take a plunge towards your dreams can be a scary and exciting event as an entrepreneur.  Of course with every great adventure comes unexpected obstacles and challenges.  That’s why preparing for success is critical.  Knowing that challenges will arise before you start on your entrepreneurial journey or adventure can be extremely advantageous.  Even more important however, is knowing how to detect what may not initially appear to be an obstacle.  It will also be helpful to ensure you are equipped with the appropriate tool or techniques to face these obstacles effectively.

Entrepreneur Planning

For those of you beginning on your new journey towards your the creation of the business of your dreams, know that obstacles come in all shapes and sizes.  Something as simple as an argument with a colleague, sibling, or spouse, a flat tire, a water pipe bursting in your backyard, or just about any random life event that has the potential to pull you away from doing what you initially set out to do can be seen as an obstacle.  In essence, life can and will distract you away from your need to kick-start your business idea, away from your needing to take the actions necessary to make your business a reality.

Being prepared for such random curve balls will make them easier to overcome.  More importantly though, is knowing how to mentally diffuse such occurrences.  The best method I’ve come across is a combination of two things, 1.) keeping a schedule no matter what, and 2.) keeping a journal.

By keeping a schedule that you commit to unwavering from, you set yourself up to get realigned with your priorities quickly in the event that some random life event attempts to derail you.  There is something very effective about making appointments with yourself to get things done.  If ever you get off schedule, you will feel a mental tug…which is hard to ignore and thus is essentially good.  It is good because it has the potential to get you back in the game, taking action on those tasks that will help you reach your goal.

The next method is keeping a journal.  Keeping a journal has done wonders for me in terms of keeping me on track.  Every morning I write about my goals, aspirations, and my progress in certain areas.  As such, committing to writing down your challenges daily can serve a as a terrific reminder, and troubleshooting tool to help you navigate around/through the goal-threatening obstacle that you inevitably face.

In summary, life will try to distract you.  If you wish to one day live out the vision that you set your heart upon, it will be important for you to be prepared for these potential life derailing events, know how to spot them, and finally, have some techniques up your sleeve by which you can ensure the successful overcoming of such obstacles.  To plan for challenges is to plan for success.  So go get your planning on.