Evolution of an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur’s have been around since the dawn of time.  They have contributed to the growth and expansion of just about every civilization’s economy in recorded history in one way or another.  Of course over time, they have had different levels of impact and function, but were important none the less.

In this day and age there is a huge need for entrepreneurs, one could even say the need is greater now than it has ever been.

Below is a fun infographic that depicts how the entrepreneur has evolved over time, and showcases the type of entrepreneur that is needed most in the 21st century.


Click image to see a larger versionEvolution of an EntrepreneurEvolution of an Entrepreneur via homestead

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2 thoughts on “Evolution of an Entrepreneur

  1. Hannah says:

    There are lots of business evolving through out the years that has passed and have been improving in this generation. Thanks for sharing this info graphic photo!

    Entrepreneur’s Education

  2. Nanditha Gundamma Ashwin Narayan Gautham Mohan says:

    very informative. my husband opened a brand new co. Which manufactured supersexy wireless chargers……. call led specinvent… blogs like these helpsin motivation.

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