Your Personality Sucks

I was surfing the net last night and I came across this blog by Rohit Bhargava.  Initially glancing through hist posts I was attracted to one tab in particular.  So I clicked on it and took a good look through it and began reading some of his postings for that blog (because he has two) and sure enough I came across his book which he titled Personality Not Included (PNI for short).  The book caught my attention because it wasn’t too long ago when I was listening to some Napolean Hill audio tapes in my car (I am geek what can I say), which incidentally was focused on personality and how important it is to ones success. 

Interestingly the Napolean Hill personality bit was a slightly different in its recommendations as it was primarily talking about the importance of positive mental attitude, tactfulness, and being courteous to our peers and customers in order to secure more business and in turn be more successful.   Now Rohit’s bit on personality was more about how it is vital in this day and age for your business to have a personality of its own, and how authenticity is key if it is to become and/or remain successful.

The cool thing I captured in being open to both ideas on personality is that basically if your business is not doing good or if your career is going nowhere fast, it’s probably because of your personality.  So in an attempt to be respectfully brutal in my honesty….if your business or career sucks……. it’s probably because your personality sucks.

So…. what are you waiting for?  Start working on your personal and organizational personality.

“If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.”
Jim Rohn


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